North East Post
Weekend Edition
1:00 AM 9th March 2024

Heating Experts Say You Should Turn Your Heating Off On The 31st Of March!

Image by ri from Pixabay
Image by ri from Pixabay
Household energy bills are expected to fall by £300 a year under the price cap from April-June, but many of us are still nervous about how long we have the heating on for.

This is why the boiler company BOXT have recommended the official day to turn your central heating off.

Heating experts say you should turn your heating off on the 31st of March!

Andy Kerr, Founder at BOXT, says:
“Spring is just around the corner, and as the weather gradually begins to turn warmer, more and more people are reducing the use of their heating throughout the day.

“While the energy cap has lowered, many Brits are still feeling the financial squeeze of the cost of living crisis and bills remain high. Although there is no single temperature at which you should turn your heating off, many aim for the time when clocks go forward, which this year falls on the 31st of March.

“Another thing to note is that although many people opt to leave their heating on low all day, this does not reduce your heating bills! Having the heating on only as and when you need it, is the best way to save energy. Using a thermostat with a timer offers a simple and speedy solution to controlling your heating effectively.

"It’s also worth remembering that your heating needs will depend on how well-insulated your home is. Well-insulated homes will retain their heat even when temperatures are low into the early spring, but every home will be different.

"Despite the price cap going down, there are still a few things you can do to help keep your home warm, and save further money on your energy bills."

Expert Tips to Save Money on Your Heating

1. Get your boiler serviced

Do you know how long it has been since your last boiler service? If you can’t remember or have never had one, there’s a good chance your boiler isn’t working as efficiently as possible.

Inefficient boilers can increase your heating bill as your boiler must work much harder to raise the temperature inside your home. Experts recommend booking a boiler service every 12 months to maintain boiler safety and reliability. Following the manufacturer’s boiler service schedule also means your warranty stays valid, so if your boiler needs repairs, they should be covered by the manufacturer.

2. Set a heating schedule
The best times to turn your heating on are in the morning and during the day while at home. Setting your heating to come on just before you get up, and turning off an hour before you leave your home or go to sleep is the best way to control your home temperature and save money.

3. Use thermostatic radiator valves to adjust the temperature in each room
Installing thermostatic radiator valves can, on average, save 18% of your home heating costs according to research conducted by BEAMA. It is recommended to use a thermostat to control the heat in your main living space and use thermostatic radiator valves to lower the heating in rooms you don't use as often.

4. Turn your thermostat down by 1°C
Turning your heating down by just 1° allows you to save up to 10% on your heating bill. The typical heating range is between 18- 21°C during the colder months, so why don’t you see how low you can go?

5. Stop draughts
Preventing heat from escaping through unwanted gaps in your home is one of the cheapest and most effective ways to save energy and money. To draught-proof your home, you must identify the ‘problem areas’ where draughts are causing issues. These could include doors, windows, chimneys and floorboards. You can block unwanted gaps by using draught-proofing strips around your windows and doors or flexible silicone-based filler to fill the gaps in your floorboards. You can use a fireplace blocker to minimise the draught escaping through your chimney.

6. Daylight hours
Use the sun to your advantage. Open your blinds and curtains during sunny spells to help heat the rooms inside your home. When grey skies and rainy showers take over, shutting your curtains and blinds will help to keep the warmth in.

7. Don’t block your radiators
To avoid wasting money on your energy bill, make sure furniture isn’t positioned directly in front of your radiators. Any furniture left in front of your radiators will block any heat from escaping, meaning you’ll use more energy to heat the room and waste money. Additionally, make sure to clean your radiators. Layers of dust in your radiator can prevent heat from escaping effectively, meaning your radiators will have to work harder to warm your room.

8. Don’t dry your clothes on your radiator
We recommend that you don’t use your radiators to dry clothes. The clothes you place over the top of your radiators prevent the heat from escaping and heating your room, meaning that your boiler has to pick up the slack and work at a greater rate - increasing costs. Similarly, the increase in the air’s moisture can create condensation, leading to potential issues with mould and dampness. To dry your clothes faster, consider using a dehumidifier. These are often much cheaper to use than tumble dryers and can prevent damp in your home.

9. Check your radiator covers
If you have radiator covers, check that they are a good conductor of heat. Radiator covers made from materials such as wood are poor conductors and can prevent heat from being dispersed effectively - wasting energy and money.

10. Bleed your radiators
Bleeding your radiators is essential in preventing the efficiency of your system from decreasing due to air entering your heating system. The quickest way to check if air has entered your heating system is to turn your central heating on and feel your radiators. If a radiator is warm at the bottom but cold at the top, this is generally a sign that air is present.