North East Post
A Voice of the Free Press
Allison Lee
Smallholding Correspondent
12:00 AM 20th July 2024

Sanctuary For Donkeys

Allison Lee's donkeys
Allison Lee's donkeys
Donkeys are undoubtedly one of the most affectionate animals. They are gentle by nature, very smart, and make great pets. I would, therefore, go as far as to say that one of the best decisions I have ever made was to purchase three miniature Mediterranean donkeys. They may be miniature in size; however, their personalities are huge! They are noisy, mischievous, and incredibly funny, and they are simply a joy to have around. 

One thing that you must know about donkeys, however, is that they do not like to be bossed around, and under no circumstances should you get cross or shout at your donkey. They need to get to know you well and trust you implicitly, and then they will do as you ask—sometimes!

People often mistake donkeys' refusal to do as they are asked as being stubborn; however, in my experience, it is not stubbornness but fear or lack of motivation that usually prevents a donkey from doing something.

Donkeys are smart animals, and they are very fast learners, especially when motivated. They also have extremely good memories and can recall both good and bad experiences. Therefore, it is vital that you remain calm in the company of your donkey, interact with them often, and really get to know them. They have incredible personalities, and once you have gained their trust, they will provide you with hours of fun and entertainment.

Caring for donkeys is a full-time job, and you should think things through carefully before buying. Donkeys should never be kept alone, nor should they be kept with ponies or horses. They need to be with other donkeys in order to thrive. Their care is very different from that of a pony or horse, and their individuality must be respected. 

Donkeys hate to get wet, and with the unpredictable weather in the UK, even the summer months can be problematic. Unlike ponies and horses, a donkey’s coat is not waterproof, and therefore, they will seek shelter in cold or wet weather. 

Allison Lee with her donkeys
Allison Lee with her donkeys
Providing entertainment for your donkey is essential, especially if they are indoors due to inclement weather conditions. They enjoy the company of humans, so regular interaction is important, along with suitable stimulation. My donkeys like nothing more than throwing an old Wellington boot around or playing with a broom or watering can. Hay balls and treat balls are also great ways of providing fun activities for your donkey, especially if they can't access the paddock. Treats should be kept to a minimum, however, and always opt for healthy treats such as carrots or apples.