North East Post
Weekend Edition
2:47 PM 28th June 2024

E. Coli Advice Issued Amid Rise In Cases - 27 June 2024

As of 25 June, there have been a further 19 cases associated with the recent outbreak of STEC O145 since the last update a week ago, bringing the total number of confirmed cases to 275 in the UK. All currently confirmed cases had symptom onset dates before 4 June. Although case reporting rates are declining, we expect to see more cases linked to this outbreak as further samples are referred to us from NHS laboratories and whole genome sequencing is conducted.

Confirmed case totals:
182 in England
58 in Scotland
31 in Wales
4 in Northern Ireland (evidence suggests that they acquired their infection in England)

Based on information from 249 cases to date, 49% were admitted to hospital.

Through surveillance, UKHSA has identified 2 individuals in England who died within 28 days of infection with the STEC outbreak strain. Based on the information available from health service clinicians one of these deaths is likely linked to their STEC infection. Both individuals had underlying medical conditions. The deaths occurred in May.

Amy Douglas, Incident Director at UKHSA, said:
"We’re pleased that fewer cases have been reported, however we still expect to see a few more cases linked to this outbreak as further samples are referred to us for testing.

"Symptoms of infections with STEC include severe and sometimes bloody diarrhoea, stomach cramps, vomiting and fever. While diarrhoea and vomiting can have a range of causes, there are simple steps you can take to reduce your risk and the risk of infecting others.

"Washing your hands with soap and warm water and using disinfectants to clean surfaces will help stop any further spread of infection. If you are unwell, you should not prepare food for others while unwell and avoid visiting people in hospitals or care homes to avoid passing on the infection in these settings. Do not return to work, school or nursery until 48 hours after your symptoms have stopped. If you are concerned about your symptoms, follow NHS.UK guidance on when to seek help and the steps you can take to avoid further spread to family and friends."

Darren Whitby, Head of Incidents at the FSA said:
"Earlier this month, we confirmed that several sandwich manufacturers had taken precautionary action to withdraw and recall various sandwiches, wraps, subs and rolls after food chain and epidemiological links enabled us to narrow down a wide range of foods to a type of lettuce used in sandwich products as the likely cause of the outbreak.

"This remains a complex investigation and we continue to work with the relevant businesses and the local authorities to ensure necessary steps are being taken to protect consumers. Although we are confident in the likely source of the outbreak being linked to lettuce, work continues to confirm this and identify the root cause of the outbreak with the growers, suppliers and manufacturers so that actions can be taken to prevent a re-occurrence."

For more information, see the interim summary report from the multi-agency investigation into outbreak STEC O145 identified in May 2024 here