North East Post
Weekend Edition
Graham Clark
Music Features Writer
12:00 AM 11th May 2024

Albums: FM – Old Habits Die Hard

FM – Old Habits Die Hard

Out Of The Blue; Don’t Need Another Heartache; No Easy Way Out; Lost; Whatever It Takes; Black Water; Cut Me Loose; Leap Of Faith; California; Another Day In My World; Blue Sky Mind


Back in the mid-eighties, British melodic rock band FM was always on hand to warm audiences for acts as diverse as Tina Turner, Status Quo, and Bon Jovi. FM appeared to be the default support act.

Old Habits Die Hard, their fourteenth album, demonstrates the group's continued excellence, even after forty years!

The band continues to shine, raising the question of why they never became a bigger prospect back in the day, despite the fact that many of the acts they supported have either split up or faded into obscurity.

Steve Overland still possesses his trademark soulful vocals that made FM such an exciting prospect, while Jim Kirkpatrick delivers some of the finest guitar solos you'll hear all year, all underpinned by melodic and memorable songs aided by masterful harmonies.

Out of the Blue, a classy opening number, sets the pace for the rest of the album. No Easy Way Out sounds like it should be a favourite on Radio 2. With the closing number Blue Sky Mind, Black Water showcases a more bluesy side to the band. Written by keyboard player Jem Davis about his cancer diagnosis, it sends out a message of hope, enhanced by the fact that he is now clear—a positive message to end on.

Old Habits Die Hard, is aptly descriptive as as evidenced by this accomplished album.