North East Post
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1:00 AM 20th April 2024

Netflix Before Sleep Is Helping You Lose Weight

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay
Image by Tumisu from Pixabay
Have you ever looked at Netflix as a tool for weight loss? That might sound far-fetched, but Robert Veres, Founder of Pomaly App, suggests the seemingly 'sluggish' act of Netflix streaming could hold weight loss benefits.

Robert Veres, Pomaly App Founder, says this:
"You don't need to run on a treadmill; just cozy up in bed and hit 'play."

The idea that watching Netflix could trigger weight loss might have skeptics rolling their eyes but hold the chuckles. Robust scientific research, such as one from JOE, suggests it might be more beneficial than conventionally believed.

Five Ways Watching Netflix Can Aid Weight Loss

Stress Reduction

Tensed up? Watching Netflix can provide an escape from daily anxieties, contributing to stress reduction. Studies by Procon elaborate that stress can sabotage weight loss by igniting cravings for fat, sugar, and salt-filled foods.

Do something each day that helps you unwind. It aids weight management.

Keeps Late-Night Snacking at Bay

Idle minds often wander towards the fridge. The National Library of Medicine’s research confirms the correlation between nocturnal snacking and weight gain.

Engage your brain with a captivating series, and keep those snack cravings at bay.

Promotes Better Sleep

A study from Lifespan links prolonged sleep deprivation to an increased risk of obesity. Watching a soothing show on Netflix could help you relax and drift off.

Find a series that calms you, helping you secure a good night's sleep. Weight management will be more achievable.

Moderate Activity is Better than None

Despite being sedentary, watching Netflix encourages minimal physical activity — occasional stretch or casual walk. Research from the Mayo Clinic suggests light physical activity can boost metabolism and aid weight loss.

Don't just sit on the couch. Interweave mild activities while watching for weight control progress.

Educational Content Can Inspire Healthy Habits

Netflix is abundant in documentaries promoting healthy living and mindful eating. A study published in Gudorf Financial Group confirms exposure to such content can foster healthier food choices.

A good documentary can spark the inspiration necessary to adopt healthier habits.

Five Weight-Loss-Friendly Netflix Films

Forks Over Knives:
This film serves as inspiration on a platter, highlighting the benefits of plant-based diets that aid weight loss.
Food, Inc.: This documentary reveals the truth about industrialized food production, encouraging viewers to make healthier, whole-food choices.
Hungry For Change: The film challenges the concept of 'diet,' advocating for sustainable lifestyle changes rather than short-term diets.
Fat, Sick, and Nearly Dead: Showcasing Joe Cross's juicing journey to regain health prompts watchers to consider the impact of food choices on weight and overall health.
Fed Up: This film exposes how the processed food industry contributes to the obesity epidemic, highlighting the need for low-processed foods in the diet.

Wrapping up, remember there's no one-size-fits-all approach to weight loss. Veres emphasizes that finding what works for you is critical. Research suggests that watching Netflix in moderation alongside lifestyle changes can be a winning combination for weight management.

So, feel less guilty about those Netflix binges — they might be helping you more than you think.